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For Sale: 9 Head of Mixed-Age Cows
Ekalaka, MT

Watching: 33
Views: 658
For Sale: 9 Head of Mixed-Age Cows

Offering a solid group of May 1st - June 1st calving cows ready to work for you. This lot includes: Primarily purebred Angus

1 Hereford 5 years old Tag: Halley

1 F1 BWF 9 years old Tag: 82

1 Purebred Angus 10 years old Tag :7

1 Registered Angus 5 years old Tag: 904

1 Registered Angus 4 years old Tag: 002

1 Registered Angus 3 years old Tag: 101

1 Registered Angus 2 years old Tag: 215

2 Purebred Angus 2 years old Tag: 253,262

All cows are bred to the same bull Med Rock Proficient Hula 024 Reg#19996698.

Registration transfer available on applicable cows if interested for an extra fee. These are hardworking, productive cows built to perform in any program. No cull cows they are just to late for our program of a 45 day calving window. The calves from these cows typically wean around 550- 625 lbs. Excellent Disposition easy to be around cows. 2,200 apiece for entire group if yu want to pick and choose the price will change.

Contact Spring Angus for more details or pictures also video available.


Cattle TypesCows

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Placeholder profile imageKelly S Auction
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