We have two yearling Gelbvieh bulls for sale via private treaty. The bulls were not creep fed prior to weaning and have been developed to grow 3-3.5 lbs/day since weaning. Both bulls are the result of our AI program, and are out of cows stemming from Chimney Butte Ranch genetics. Contact Garrett for price and more information.
Picture 1
HAV M401 AMGV1599104
Purebred Gelbvieh, Hetero Black, Polled
Sire: DCH Hille G423 Dam: DCH Hille G491 (Dam of Merit, 106 weaning ratio on 4 calves)
BW: 82 ADJ WW: 623 ADJ YW: 1161 ADG: 3.36
Top 5% for CE, Top 10% for WW and YW, Top 20% for TM, CEM, HP, PG30, STAY, and DOC
View EPDs at https://gelbvieh.digitalbeef.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=_animal&file=_animal&animal_registration=AMGV1599104
Picture 2
HAV M402 AMGV1599105
Purebred Gelbvieh, Black, Polled
Sire: DCH Triple K Husker G413 Dam: DCH Hille J309
BW: 84 ADJ WW: 568 ADJ YW: 1108 ADG: 3.38
Top 20% for CE, Top 45% for WW and YW, Top 15% for CEM, HP, and DOC
View EPDs at https://gelbvieh.digitalbeef.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=_animal&file=_animal&animal_registration=AMGV1599105