Teacup poodle puppies, toy poodle puppies. APRI registered teacup and toy poodles,
Aberdeen, SD

Watching: 1
Views: 44
Teacup poodle puppies, toy poodle puppies. APRI registered teacup and toy poodles, full registration and 3 generations pedigrees, vet checked at birth and before they go to their forever homes. Microchipped. Tails and dew claws done, all vaccinations UTD along with parasite control. They come with toys, mommas blanket, collar, food, treats, vet record, everything you will need except a kennel if you choose.

The teacup is a male and is very tiny. 1lb 6oz. Expected to be 3.5 - 4 lbs. he is currently using training pads. This little guy is the smallest in the litter, his brother and sister have been spoken for already. We will meet half way, up to 100 miles from Aberdeen for free. He is very tine. Look at the picture and you can see his foot is about the size of my thumb nail! He is very loving and is very happy being held. He plays too but really wants to snuggle more. Has been socialized and likes going to Runnings and TSP to meet people. Please feel free to message or call with questions or to ask for videos or pictures

We are expecting toys to be born this next week and we will post pictures right away.


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